FREE Download Just For Air Fryer Owners!
My Top 18 Air Fryer Tips & Tricks + recommended internal temps for meats and baked goods 
- all on 1 page to print to hang on your fridge!
My Top 18 Air Fryer Tips & Tricks + recommended internal temps for meats and baked goods - all on 1 page to print to hang on your fridge!

Everything You Need To Know!

Everything You Need To Know!

This awesome free download includes...
  • TOP 18 Air Fryer Tips & Tricks - in a single page print out that you can hang on your fridge for a quick reference guide. Perfect to keep the whole family in the know!
  • A List of Recommended Internal Temps - for meats, poultry, seafood and more so you can take the guesswork out of knowing when your food is cooked to perfection!
  • New Air Fryer recipes delivered to your inbox... every Sunday morning, a peek into my life and a quick link to my newest YouTube video, of course!
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